All the while the Celts watched, screaming
There they waited, mocking the Romans
As they struggled to reach the shore
The Celts imagined a killing blow
While standing upon Dover cliffs
Looking at the scene below
At a site chosen by random, not serendipity
Roman ships floundered
The Legions were nervous
Even fearful
They'd followed where Caesar had led
His decision for invasion seemed folly
Appearing to be more impulse
Than by any plan, or design
Caesar was strategically minded
And a master tactics on the field of battle
But now it seemed for all who viewed the scene
That Caesar failed twice
Either he believed enemy lies
Enticing an opponent
Or, giving the appearance of being unworthy
Caesar took what appeared to bait
His acts now seemed more violent
Than anything planned
And after battles and disasters
He took his troops and left
To return again
Another day