Friday, March 11, 2022

Why should we choose disaster?

As if children, we are lured by a simple thing
We begin to follow a trail of crumbs
It leads deep into a dark forest
We find a stunning Gingerbread house
We are too excited to be cautious so we enter
There instead of the witch, we see a raven
It speaks to us, voice deep, tone serious 
It tells us something foreboding, and true
Foolishly, we don't try to understand
We are afraid and can't take it in
The ravens speaks of a nightmare, so cold
We become forsaken by choosing to ignore it
We reject it, despite it being our destiny
Telling ourselves we can't accept such lies
But society has indeed arrived in a place
Where the messengers are despised
Does it matter which leader we follow?
Are we truly ready for World War Three?
Can we accept the slaughter innocents?
As bombs, missiles, warheads, and bullets kill
And devastation, the explosions light fires
The dead will be stacked like cords of wood
For the many funeral pyres
The smoke from burning cities rises
Black smoke will linger in clouds
Our future lives change from the normal
To living each day, barely able to survive
We must avoid the approaching crash?
We must change before this breath
Is the one that becomes our last
Our civilization was forged from disaster
Gathering the remnants of antiquity
We are residue of an golden era
One when humanity rose above
We waste the efforts and results of that time
Inheritors of a great gift, we are failure
As we resort to war, we write a tragedy
The misfortune of thought, a dark comedy
But the failure will be our legacy

A Third World War?