Friday, March 18, 2022


Drawn into the void, a dark and inevitable realm
With only our fortitude and dreams to invest
Now our sorrow co-mingles with darkness
Since our beginning we've chosen a dire path
The road to greatest rewards, and acts of our hands
Choosing to invest ourselves in impossible tasks
Into the terminus falling, no visible remains of this test
If we've lost all hope, now the beacon light fades
Is our life is a death sentence executed in haste
Without hopes or dreams we'll find out too late
As youth is lost and wisdom gained, pain manifest
If there's nothing but the unknown or unknowable
Begin making your apologies to the living
Prepare to visit the land of the dead
By confession, we speak aloud our misery
Our worst mistakes haunt us, we are forsaken
We fade, leaving upon a path, where we've been led
Knowing, truly, deeply, we cannot escape the wrath
Of the consequence of each of our choices and life
Kiss me Azrael, I am ready, at last, I am ready
Let us linger in the twilight, the ashes of the fire
Without pity or fear, without dreams or desire
It is over, I am ready, the end has come
And I welcome it