Friday, July 31, 2020


When I surrendered
I had no worries for my safety
Because it was into your arms
Where'd I been charmed
I've longed to return there one day
As I remember
How we spent so many years
Every thing felt beautiful
Every moment was new
Together we believed in a future
We wanted forever
But burned out so quickly
I felt the crash
And I was broken
I've spilled so many tears
Thinking how it could've changed
Had I been more mature
Had I been more true
And in old age
I realize how I greatly I fear
The world around me
Seems a bitter haze
And I can't change a thing
About the world in which I live
But I can remember you
How you were all that I cared about
You were utterly true
And I am lost
In a world that counts only cost
Your love was so sweet
So forgiving
I miss it so
I long for you
My love