Tuesday, July 14, 2020

By the Damned Mankind is Saved

We are the damned
The infected but not dying
We were the fools who believed
The lies our leaders gave
When they said humanity was safe
So we foolishly refused first escape
And thus we were condemned to die
Our lives forfeit for mankind
We chose to stay and fight
The virus unleashed a scientific dream,
Our death was a nightmare self created
First it decayed us, then it remade us,
But it remade us with lost minds
The surface of the earth showed signs
The virus had grown to be worldwide
No, only the reaches of space were clear
Of the human born virus victorious
Few could hope to escape
For the virus on earth had a reach
That found the depths and our furthest places
Logical people would believe to be immune
We knew for seed of mankind to flee
Some would have to remain
There was a final truth
And sinners need not repent
The only chance for the survivors
Was for some who had no chance
To remain behind to protect 
It would be up to us, this we knew
Almost none were clean
The virus was immense
Only now the babies, the embryos,
And somehow uninfected, the few
Could escape to deeper space
And hope to reestablish life
In a different corner of the galaxy
We remained to fight the masses of madness
Those dying in pain
Crowding the safe places all in despair
In desperate fear they rushed the final refuge
Wave after wave fell
Our own side reduced in number
To fewer than dozens
We gave our lives to save the world
By dying we bought the survivors time
Our decisions made us pariahs
But we had to be left behind
For the seed of humanity to survive
Are we remembered
There is no way of knowing
Did we commit mass suicide
To allow the escape
Their only chance
With no way to stop the virus from growing
Was there any choice but to become the chosen
And now in winter
Without society's machines
Without modernity's technologies
We soon will join the rest and become frozen
As the dead, as the damned
As the last earth survivors
No one will read this
Or hear my voice
This world is dead
With the smallest residue of life
A remnant collection of species
The system is forever broken
Our last hope is in space
If the few are now safe
We made the right choice
To allow them to live another day
In a different place