Friday, December 13, 2019

The Storm

It is there, and we can see it
Drawing near, becoming aware
We see it forming
But clarity is rare in the storm
Even the eye of which is clouded
Depths of power rise, bringing forth risk
A mournful sound pulses as the children cry
Some of the adults take aim to explain
What cannot be described, nor understood
Asking why this great event beckons
They believe that this is punishment
They do not deserve
As is the toll of a catastrophic event
Men and women alike come to wrath
With growing rage towards the danger
Some are fools, and take no warning
Some call themselves brave but are not
Others deny that the storm lurks when it does
So many watch in anger
Elders and children begin to sing
Songs to their gods and faith
Trying to impart hope to some
Hoping to avoid the final cost
Knowing that lives can be lost
For the want of knowing
Will it destroy everything
Will it pass meekly by
The people are waiting
And no one knows a thing