Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Beneath An Auburn Colored Sky

Looking up to the clouds and sun
Hanging in an auburn colored sky
While I am tired, so tired of the pain
Getting called foolish, even insane

I've spent my life asking why
Why am I left broken, yet all others are chosen
Why am I just sleeping when others are dreaming

I never become sullen or cry
But the question demands an answer
Why are evil men perfectly healthy
When saints of all kinds get deadly cancer

Am I speaking to God or am I endlessly screaming
Without any other soul able to hear

Why do I force everyone from being near,
When I need comfort, compassion and respite
From a life I've woven of tears and precious little else

I live in a world of sorrow
Every soul needing more love
Begging from our present
Leaving no tomorrow
We need love and little else
And I know, because, I have nothing left