Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Black Angels Falling

Some recall that the Bible said, Locusts with stingers for tails would rise from the earth, and thereafter fall down upon the people below. Are they our curse, No, we are by far greater, and our wickedness has long been sown.  Grieving the deaths of humanity, the innocents soon are overwhelmed.  For we are given much to fear, and scant little to contemplate.

False evidence that our existence is forsaken, leaves us alone, and forgetful of truth. Those with malice alive in their hearts will flee.  The rise from the earth of machinations looking like insects, will seem like doom, to any army. Armageddon will set fire to this present day, we must remember, a future is not written, there are no guarantees.  We fall upon our knees, knowing the executioner comes in haste.

Despite the terror, there remains reason to believe.  Despite the self inflicted pains as the world falls apart, as humans lose empathy, with souls covered with scars, we can only pray, hope, and move forward. If we cannot live in the present,  if we are unable to seize every day, we pull down upon us torment, the sort of which offers no escape, save through hope, and redemption.