Sunday, December 1, 2019

Not Enough

We gave them our innocence
We gave them our justice
We gave to them our children
Our offerings were not enough
When we pledged our  fidelity
We offered our last memories
Allowed our fields to go fallow
There fell from grace, lost our love
By trusting we betrayed our faith
By our trust to those not faithful
Awoken from nightmare and dream
Unthinking, sleepwalking undone
We made gods of our lustful desires
Refused to fight for those who couldn't
We tried to hide to escape our choices
Losing victory that was already won
We gave back the graces
Given freely
Spat upon the mercy offered
Because we were wrong
Now we've lost and there's nothing
Not even voices, we only know to run
We didn't know to how to cry
Neither tears of bitter remorse
Nor tears of true repentance
And we then knew
Our hearts were completely dry
We gave them our innocents
We gave them unworthy trust
We gave them our children
The sacrifices were not enough

“The past could always be annihilated. Regret, denial, or forgetfulness could do that. But the future was inevitable.” Oscar Wilde