Thursday, May 9, 2019

Surprise surprise, it wasn't a surprise

If the world changes in an instant
It might well seem to be out of the blue
But ships don't sink and planes don't attack
Without preparation, mission plans and motives
Nothing happens in a vacuum, nothing
So going from moment to moment
Leaves you without a perspective
So just turn the channel, click, click
Men die by surprise on a serene morning
Without the slightest forewarning
Powerful empires die in cold or heat
Killed by defenders of their homes
Whether royalty is killed in public view
By agents of the state, or industry
There is a response that is true
Something new
Something different
Ignorant of messages sent
Even should it be
Without explanation or simply fantastic
None happened without planning
What makes us think they had no cause
Is our desire to have normality, to have control
When in fact there is none