Thursday, May 16, 2019


Do children inherit the earth from their parents
Are the disasters and catastrophes their own
What kind of choices are we really given
Consequences of our sins fall in deep torrents
We are responsible for what we do, we alone
The sins of the past cannot be forgiven
We weren't the aggrieved parties
But the enemy of humanity gathers armies
Children once labored for families to survive
They weren't allowed to thrive
But we still exist
And our raw courage still resists
To look at the world and surrender
Even if our sins we still remember
We must keep trying to do better

“It was like when you make a move in chess and just as you take your
finger off the piece, you see the mistake you've made, and there's this
panic because you don't know yet the scale of disaster you've left
yourself open to.”  Kazuo Ishiguro

“They began work at 5:30 and quit at 7 at night. Children six years old
going home to lie on a straw pallet until time to resume work the next
morning! I have seen the hair torn out of their heads by the machinery,
their scalps torn off, and yet not a single tear was shed, while the
poodle dogs were loved and caressed and carried to the seashore.”
Mother Jones