Monday, October 17, 2022

To Feel Permanently Entitled

We imagine our Earth to be indestructible
But it is not, the reality is quite different
It is madness to threaten its permanence
We demand a perfect planet home
And one that will remain ours alone
Humans feel entitled to what we require
To live, to love, to find happiness
We require a planet that burns with life
A planet to exploit and to destroy
To empty our waste upon and light afire
When humanity is finished at last
Earth will have nothing left
Exchanging nuclear strikes
Our home becomes a war zone
A slaughter across the planet, immense
Leaving irradiated ruins and silence
Where the living will envy the dead
By our hand and unresolved issues
We will make war destroying Earth
The sole planet where we might live
War is in our blood, we choose violence
Given the option, we choose not to forgive
Certain acts have permanent consequences