Tuesday, April 19, 2022

For the Men in Armor and their Leader

Wearing official looking uniforms and badges
They presume themselves to be the authority
Arming themselves and ban the right to resist
Holding power, but they've not been elected
We're allowed only false choices, false laws
And far worse, allowed only false leaders
By our apathy we've enabled our abusers
To rule over us, with violence, impunity
We'll be doomed before we know it
But our children will show the results
If we do not stand up to the autocrats
If we don't fight their cruel armies
We'll have nothing but stunted lives
Lived for the pleasure of the brutal men
With nothing but bread and water to eat
As we fight the cockroaches and rats
For the scraps we've worked hard to earn
For the self appointed emperor
And all of his black cloaked men