Saturday, April 2, 2022

To Become Like Gods

They look at fetus, growing, realizing, it will not survive
Rather than sorrow, they are glad, for the harvest is easier
When the source material for their experiments is ready
Measured, calculated, dissected and placed into sections
The path chosen by educated hands who resort to cloning
And by hands who can do "miracles" with stem cells
They can solve riddles, cure diseases give life
As they give life, humans aspire to be as a god
But the choices are not so clear, for the damned
For the lost lives, or those left broken
Left over bodies from a harvest for parts and cells
A narrow path to escape but few choose that way
Instead we stand, watch from a distance our Hell
We do not hope for forgiveness, so righteous
But as gods we chose this stage, so very pious
The drama plays out, bitterness the seed that blooms
We are trapped on the earth, a beautiful blue cage
As we are waiting for our well deserved doom
However it comes, it couldn't be too soon