Sunday, May 3, 2020

Anniversary Of Emptiness

Sitting in the moonlight like a being supernatural
Shimmering waves of light and spectacular power
Every night a celebration, every day a revelation
And since you left me, when God chose to take you
The only thing I'd wanted for now or forever
There's nothing, emptiness and empathy's starvation
A life emptied of joy as I watched you wither
The memories passed, the moments echoed
And then you were gone leaving me haunted
Wounded, and bleeding I knew all was wrong
Now there's nothing and I can't get up and face each day
Inside my heart you remain, no one can take your place
I love you and miss you
My being will never be alive

“Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives 
back life to those who no longer exist.”  Guy de Maupassant