Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Black Swan Anomaly

black swan
/ˌblak ˈswän/
  1. 1.
    a mainly black swan with white flight feathers which is common in Australia and Tasmania and has been introduced elsewhere.
  2. 2.
    an unpredictable or unforeseen event, typically one with extreme consequences.
    "the bank industry's vulnerability to black swans"

Others might understand
People who work in statistics
Call an unforeseeable event
With deep or catastrophic results
A Black Swan
You were mine
And thereafter I was the damned
First you came into my life
You changed all I knew to be true
Everything Inside
You made me question all I am
Then you disappeared, never to return
My black swan how my sorrow burns
My heart breaks there is no life left
To live
And nothing I could forgive
You changed all I've wanted
You've gone
Leaving me all alone
I'll have no future
You've left me haunted

“Besides, my life is a catastrophe. It's a catastrophe to be without a voice.”   E.B. White