Saturday, January 25, 2020

Just sayin'

I can survive
But I'm not sure I want to
You laughed at me
You mocked
Smiled with a taunt
Your words cut me, slashed a vein
Made me bleed, over and again
I don't mean to complain
I'm just saying
No I'm not staying quiet
I'm not even non chalant
You just keep asking
So what is it you want
Forgiveness? I'm not Jesus
Hope? I can't lie that well
You want something I can't give
And then you want even more
After you've put me through Hell
All you've done and still
You want me to keep going on
Through such stormy weather
As if nothing happened
I can't forgive, I barely want to live
Why do you need me
To make you feel better
These are just words you say
Why do you need me to say them
I don't care
I'm just sayin'