Monday, January 27, 2020

A story of my Viking DNA

My flesh called to me, waking me, looking full into my soul. Calling out the history of what I am. Born to one but raised a foundling, I knew that I was made for one world but lived in one very different.

My ancestors had howled, we were the wolves of the sea. Spanning the oceans wide violently,  our reach was unlimited, unlike the imagination of borders and barriers that only weaker men see.

The Viking blood burned beneath the surface.  As I grew older, told stories of my origins, so many false stories I needed the proof.  Only a test of my blood revealed truth.

I was born to fight, born to win against the foes crowding in. I was a Viking and ready to discover new lands.  I was a warrior and scribe with an axe and quill pen in my hands.