Sunday, September 8, 2019

pain, fire, and dust

We fear death
But do not change our ways
We have walked a path
Taking us to a post nuclear age
The end of time will bring pain, fire and dust
Acid rains, boiling oceans, as machines rust
We've had our time, so many generations
We've spent efforts, to expand our creations
But the world we've changed, never created
Is bleeding, and our enemies have retaliated
Time passed so quickly, now that we see it end
Life was beautiful, until humans made it bent
Holy wars
Nuclear accidents and wars
Cloning and AI
All of our hatreds
Left wounds and scars

“It was not unless one lifted one's gaze from all the allegedly normal events occurring before one's eyes and looked at the executioner's sword hanging over everyone's head that the normality was revealed as a sort of mass insanity. . . Passengers on a ship who are . . . engaging in all the usual shipboard activities appear perfectly normal as long as their ship is sailing safely in quiet seas, but . . . deranged if in full view of them all their ship is caught in a vortex that may shortly drag it and them to destruction.”  Jonathan Schell