Friday, July 12, 2019

How I feel?

It really doesn't really matter how I feel
What it was you did, or why it was done
What matters is to protect myself now
You know that your actions were unreal
In the guise of you just having fun
It's called deceit, far more than I'll allow

Actions speak louder than words, Remember 

My love is real, but even love requires faith
Your lies led you astray, it's me you've killed
I truly believed, and acted upon that truth
Time for me to go, regardless what you say
I trusted, loved, but am left unfulfilled
No reason to trust with your choices proof

If I love it's without relent, no guards, Forever

You chose your path, betrayed me with a kiss
You refuse to take ownership of your choices
I'm unable to understand, you cannot be forgiven
You've forced my hand, consigned me to abyss
Whoever you listen to, they are simply voices
Choices are limited, so going back, is forbidden

So linger in the echoes of us not going forward, Together