Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Faithful to the call?

Yes, you should know, I am aware
I know too, that I have only one life to give
I cannot suffer enough to fully pay
For all I've done, or allowed
A poor transaction, truly unfair
My soul replays, endlessly relives
Every single act of shame
In every home, of the meek, the proud
His followers have all declared
My life is forfeit, none will forgive
Called by him to be the one who betrays
He was far more than just a message by G-d
If you find my body, if you might dare
Take my body for burning in very hot kilns
Flesh and remnants of life gone, except my name
I am hated for this, called a bringer of doubt
No one should feel pity towards me, or care
I am the product of fear, infamy and sin
I served my lord, his greatness I proclaimed
Taken before Pilate and shamefully cowed
His ministry a tapestry of love, to share
I shall be infamous, I am empty within
Eternity burns, mine the ugliest form of fame
I exchanged his life, for worthless ground
Now no one may take on the burden I bear
Here, Pilate said, these Jews have their King
From across this land, everyone came
Given his sentence, it unsettled the crowd
His ministry was love, mine simple despair
Raucous and wild, the people began to sing
Barabbas, you are free, great Jesus now tamed
Pounding nails, each one, made a ringing sound
All because of a kiss
Just a kiss
Calling him Rabbi
To say hello to my master
In exchange for some silver
That I'd turn into land
That I might plow
Bury me there

(I am grateful that after all I've done, all I do,
 I have the promise of forgiveness, for all of my 
sin.  I have hope for redemption.  And I need it.

“God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say.
Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more
wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.”  

Soren Kierkegaard)