Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Current Roman Empire

Even if the wheels of government slow, anarchy threatening
We're told that we've no choice, our world is going to end
We are not the barbarians at the wall, nor invaders at the gate
We are the Roman standing guard, watching the approach
Even with calls for war deafening
We are aware these have happened before
When the invasions starts, expect Rome to retaliate
And if this is the end a nuclear response
With the only beings left living are cockroaches
Nothing left of modern people, institutions or nations
Well aware of our lineage, accepting of our fate
We are Rome in the present
We stand ready to be a final generation

Sometimes a past nation state demise leaves indentations, perhaps scars.  Others however are seemingly worshiped for their allure.  Some wonder the general fascination with the Roman Empire.  While Rome had transformed from a republic at midpoint of her history, it is the Empire of Rome that is remembered, lingered over, adored.  The answer for the question of why Rome, is rather clear.  It has never left us, despite the outer signs being different, it transformed into how we view state, how we view religion, services of government, and most importantly, how war can change a republic into an empire, and how the will of the people are crushed, when emperors become gods.

I believe that the Roman Empire lingers on in the institutions of the West, from Japan to the EU, from the USA and all western style nations, we relive, reenact, reimagine our deeds, but they were all born from Rome.

“Great empires are not maintained by timidity.” Tacitus