Monday, March 25, 2019

Leviathans of the Deep

It might be that as a society we are past the darkness
The darkness being a world of fear and superstition 
We've modernized and made ourselves intertwined
Yet there remains secrets that we wish to keep
Stories of the times when we made mistakes
Leading to disaster, slaughter, sorrow
There are even times that our mistakes hide truth
Where our flaws overcome in our desire to rise
Long ago we believed ourselves passed the point
That as a people our actions would lead to despair
These seeds we sow would cause the harvester to reap
We thought that we would forever be the apex predators
We thought ourselves brave, at the top of the natural world
Yet we could not predict what rose from the ocean deep
After we used nuclear weapons 
The giant beasts now called leviathans were awakened
Society was without fear,
For each modern, and nuclear nation was armed to the teeth
We could not have known what reckoning approached
At night our shores were invaded, with determination
As beasts moved inland, the death tolls rose without end
The humans realized their folly and were moved to weep
And they did not end their destructive acts
Until they were finished
And humans could do nothing

“Night and day, wind and storm, tide and earthquake, impeded man 
no longer. He had harnessed Leviathan. All the old literature, with its 
praise of Nature, and its fear of Nature, rang false as the prattle of a 
child.” E.M. Forster