Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Waiting for the time to breathe
As my flaws play out masterfully
My flesh lingers in a place of decay
While my mind and spirit fall away
The fallow fields of judgment echo
Our world stops for our toxic ego
Why does it matter if we all die
My inner voice is all but wise
There is nothing inside me
That can ever redeem me
It is finally the time I take a break
From this toxic mental state
I'll just sit back and drink my Grainbelt
As the long winter's snow begins to melt
I'll be warm until it does
I have cats who nuzzle
This world won't last forever
So I'll just embrace being together
My cats don't know how full of shit I am
I'm a fat old man
Who thinks he's Peter Pan
So take me home to Neverland
Take me home to Neverland