Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Swan Maidens

We had walked the path of every knight before us
We had no way of knowing our special privilege 
In mid point of the journey, deep in the forest
We heard them in the wood, there, came a chorus
Seeing Eden before our eyes, alive verdant and green
We saw visions of maidens taking form of swans
In our deepest heart we desired them
And that they would adore us
This primordial place was quiet, elegant and beautiful
We became certain that our time spent there
Was certain to restore us and the vision of life
Swan Maidens could fly above the world below
Seeing them we believed in all manner of gods
And heard angels in the sky
We were transformed by this moment
Seeing those of utter magnificence
We'd never know nor ever see again
Those godlike creatures
Fashioned in human flesh
Upon that ground we were transfixed
Unable to move
Until the moment passed
And we felt despair
For we had tasted of ecstasy
And could never return