Monday, February 17, 2020

Burning Fire

People say we can't know the depth of our abundance
Unless we are unfortunate to lose it all, in a disaster
But horrible tragedy doesn't make life sweet
Legacies lost don't remind of our blessings
Catastrophes aren't messages
Cancer isn't a warning
It doesn't matter what people are told
Bad things happen
For a myriad of reasons
They don't exist to tell us
What we already should know
To have or have not is not the primal need
It is not a lesson upon how we should be living
To love and to love greatly is that
And here I stand upon the foundation
Of love I was so fortunate to be given
And by her love I found the strength to be forgiven
By a red rose in snow
I am not saint, not a wise or bright man
But to lose what I know is good
Nothing is worth what that would bring
Not even should we grow old
So I say again
I might not be special
I might be nothing someone else would want
People may laugh at the thought
That I might be one desired
But I was loved by one who taught me
Love is the only burning fire
Where there is love it never grows cold
For the fire keeps burning

dedicated to my redheaded Canadian love