Saturday, July 23, 2022

Reflection: A Cracked Mirror

All of time is fleeting, sinking like a lead bottomed ship
Existence troubled by thinking, knowing that I'm a being
Who has shed his past, present and future, and convinced
There's only a moment, only this thought that I've in me
There is nothing beyond now, nothing beyond my reach
Digging deeply into ego, with more to learn than to teach
No solipsistic minute in me, but in selfishness I find glee
And then I realize, I am a vessel with no value, emptied
Delving into fathoms without a guide, a rejected seed
I've no reflection in a mirror, regrets inspired by me
I see nothing, I've become invisible, I'm made toxic
I'm hidden in the shadows and my vision is myopic
The darkness has swallowed me, harrowing me
The cracked mirror is empty, like my mind
Lost in my vanity, but is it by my design?