Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Heal Me

Breathe in, release
Then close your eyes
Let your dreams begin
And then just believe
This world is a disguise
For the disaster within
Anxiety grows like fever
And existence seems a lie
Wounded the decay begins
Release the tightly held hurt
Breath in, let go of attachments
No promise of contentment
But in time
There will be healing
Even with tears, cry
Letting it flow over you
This world is passing
Give up the bitterness
Let the mind and heart be clear
Because we have today
But the soul lives forever
Better to suffer here
Than to bring it with me

Devenere locos laetos et amoena vireta
Fortunatonun nemorum, sedesque beatas.

They came to a land of joy, the green pleasances and happy seats of the Blissful Groves.