Tuesday, April 14, 2020

We Do Change the Equation

Some people think that climate is something so large that humans cannot have an impact upon it.  But the truth is, the earth is composed of many life forms, land forms, and weather.  We interact together and this is both part of and reply to the world we live upon.

But humans absolutely can have an affect upon their world.  Even 3% difference can change how it works.  Tearing up grasslands to make farmlands, allowed the wind to steal black dirt.  We've occasionally done even worse.  And the earth shows the toll.

I am not saying I agree with everything said about climate.  I don't know enough to debate.  But I do know statistics can mean anything in the hands of someone willing to twist them, and lie.  They cannot disguise their intent.  And life goes on, for better or worse.

When scientists warn us, we tend to shrug our shoulders.  You can't blame us.  When historians explain what happened, people say well, that was then, this is now.  But someday we'll cause a crisis we cannot escape, nor repair  and whatever we blame, it'll be our own fault.  And then we'll trade our future for despair.

"Houses were shut tight, and cloth wedged around doors and windows, but the dust came in so thinly that it could not be seen in the air, and it settled like pollen on the chairs and tables, on the dishes." John Steinbeck

For Further Reading

Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s by Donald Worster
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
Dust to Eat: Drought and Depression in the 1930s by Michael L. Cooper
Whose Names Are Unknown by Sanora Babb