Wednesday, October 16, 2024

to dream so great, to imagine

I tried to dream of what it would need
To understand what it must be like
To have the imagination to create
It must require one to be an artist
It requires knowledge of science
It requires theoretical math and facts
No one being on earth has this
But what if one did,
Would we have a name for them?
Or would we just have to ask?
Would one bow before them
Or would they not exist in our form
One that thinks thought into action
Would that being have a name?
However would we call them
Or we are so small to them
Voiceless interested ants?
Building a better ant hill
For future generations?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Burnt and broken, I failed my King

Upon this planet we've four intelligent species
And with our great intellect, each are fools
Making new ways to make war upon others
My species is distinct in that we've wings
The rivals of ours, have skin twice as thick
Strength that could crush typical humanoids
All the other races, great and small are unusual
But the normal, of our world, is that we fight
Wars upon wars, scars upon our hearts
But whenever my Great King calls
I answer with my elite band
We follow orders, flying above the cities
As repeated launch of fire arrows fired
To prevent us from passing over the walls
And into the unprotected areas of their land
My wings were fully extended, and burned
My flight of warriors were nearly all taken
And the fire from the arrows, charred my skin
Wings broken, crashed soon my life would end
But this was due to my being one of the chosen
I fought for my people and land, and thus I fell
To battle over a frozen valley, to burn or die
My leader had given me hope, I'd no reason
With wings, having burned flesh, I was done
My ability to fight gone, it felt like treason
I wanted to fight, even die for my great king
Could only watch, was opposite of my being
I bled out, extreme pain, all I could is dream
An end of my life was unworthy, my body
Was cast into the eternal stream, of death
Another would come, take over my flesh
And use it, as I would have, had I not died
In the service of my great King 

Monday, October 14, 2024

When the moon is full

I was a child when in the forest I became lost
A mother wolf took me in, I feared dying but
She allowed me to become one of her family
I forgot the language of the words in English
So long in the darkness, I forgot human others
Then sounds of guns, loud attack woke us all
My kit mother was dead, I reached for a rock
From above I fell and cracked it over heads
Upon those human murderers and over again
Went to mother, my hands washed in a blood
It was partially human, part wolf, and cursed
From that day forward, I roamed the woods
Hungered, I'd kill for food, but certain nights
When the moon was full, the blood stirred
And the peak of the fullness, I was changed
A body like a man, but having fangs, claws
From not being changed by a purposed hand
My disease if you will, gave me a reason
Kill the guilty humans, who've no purpose
But to shed blood of the innocent, to slay
I could catch the scent of evil, and I'd act
Very quickly I made up for those stolen
The wolves that lived in harmony, lost
I was able to change forms, as I wished
Soon, the hunters fear the cursed wood
Even as I've never slain an innocent man
After which I'd howl, calling judgment
Upon the men who hunted others
For the joy of killing
In shame

Sunday, October 13, 2024

For many Millennia I could plan

I served the Crown Princess Ankh-es-en-Amon
I loved her most deeply, in the fashion of love eternal
She died of poisoning, and her body was mummified
Though the scroll of life was hidden, I knew where
As the guardian of the princess, the task was mine
When reading it before her tomb, brutally caught
Broke my bones, tied in dirty linens, they cursed me
Placed in a wall to linger, until eternity arrived, alive
And my first act would be to revivify the princess
Then face eternity together, we would be together
Forever as one, facing the horizon, of sun and stars
And added unto the pantheon of the most holy
Egyptian Gods and their servant races

Saturday, October 12, 2024

He Survived

February 20... 1943
Siberia, prison camp

our path there was long
but after the epic battle
we were made to march
we had no food to survive
in permanent winter cold
we had no warm blankets
only our tyrannical leaders
for whom labor is endless
it has become a joke to say
that we are somehow alive
we are ghosts, paper thin
for the great mother country
we killed peasants, soldiers
we killed gypsies and Jews
but for what purpose, cost
by words we did not transform
we did not become supermen
After Stalingrad, we knew
The War was over but for
all of the vile killing and loss
And a reckoning was to begin
In which the Nazis will fall
And Germany may be reborn

Friday, October 11, 2024

My Love, For Life

You laughed and you didn't think I was serious
You never believed me when I said I love you
You thought that I was a fool, a passing phase
But I had nothing, inside, but the beating heart
That called your name, knew your spirit within
You're my heart's home, and you are my dream
In our time united, I wondered why I deserved
To be loved by a being, a soul with such grace
I couldn't imagine, being so rescued by another
Almost 40 years together, it seems like a month
Your love saved me, constantly, a soul embrace
You are my greatest love, without a question

Thursday, October 10, 2024

My Darling Simone

Every time I think of you, I cry
You gave me love, for me alone
You lived in fear, before we met
I loved you, a depth that burned
Others did not understand, at all
They'd never known how special
It was to be beloved by a shadow
Your beauty was a treasure, but
In your heart, your depth of love
You loved in a unique form, quiet
But innocent, gentle, if also silent
I'll never forget being loved by you
And worse, I'll always miss you
Until I find you again
When we are both in the world
Of spirit and love

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

To Fly

I knew upon seeing you, that my life was no longer real
Your beauty set me ablaze, your aura was sacred and true
Here I'd arrived, with a cold heart, failed life, even more
My life wasn't an experiment, I'd one chance, so surreal
To dream of something all my life, and fail the interview
I can't do more than I've done, but can keep trying to soar

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Knowing Finally

If I were young again, I'd be sure
To appreciate the one of a kind days
To thank everyone who gave me life
To be better than my worst instincts
To rise after falling, without blaming
To dream of kind acts and live them
I don't know how I'd get back then
But I believe that we live in time
Maybe I won't get beyond here, yet
I finally know a path that is right
I finally know what is good and true
That will lead me to the highest castle
Resting secure, in Heaven

Monday, October 7, 2024

Oblivion Found

Within the Earth's central core
Beats the forge of molten metals
This planet befit for constant war
For the pantheon of greater Gods
Divided between Athena and Ares
Each fighting their proxy battle
As humans are needed for war
With armor, spears and scars
Harden hearts, call out jackals
Scavengers flee from warriors
Earth beats the drums of violence
Humanity cannot hope to win
Endless battle will drain them
And drain their souls within

They sent forth men to battle,
But no such men return;
And home, to claim their welcome,
Come ashes in an urn.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

All I need

Love is the entirety of the point of existence
So why do we fight, why do we hate so much
I surrender, my love, I love you as I always
Is there to remember, without love to guide us
Inside your heart of light, is the light I chase
I lived for myself, for so very very long
But doing so did my heart and soul no justice
I had to be broken, to find
That love is the only answer
Because bitterness is the toxin of self love
And hatred rises from our false beliefs
All of which causes a grave rancor
Heal yourself, and love as you are able
Because you are losing time
To make it right, to make it good
Your life needs love and truth
And little else

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A Light into Darkness

Watching the storm come in, the winds push the sea onto earth
The solid breakers, meant to shatter incoming waves now fail
Light men, in the Light Houses lighting the path before others
Alone, working in desperately important work, saving people
Our dependency upon the sea, those workers upon that sea
Can only be perceived by the true danger these jobs all carry
Let us bless those who give so much, for the rest of the land

Friday, October 4, 2024

One Last Battle

I wore the chained mail, the gird of my belt, and a great shield
My Norman helmet set me out as a Viking of ethnic ancestry
And my broad sword was perfectly made, of cold forged steel
My life wasn't devoted to killing, but one must defend the land
I refuse to do nothing, when it is my duty to protect my kindred
Blow the battle horn, announce we have come to defend home
And win or lose, live or die, I will be with family, not alone
My family is my life, should I lose them, I will be done
For without them I would bleed endlessly

Thursday, October 3, 2024

All the Animals

This world is beautiful, also dangerous
We are the lone species with the infamy
Of killing for fun, killing in our madness
Tell every other species, beware of humans
Our madness, hunger, greed and anger
All collide inside our heart and respond
Humans are the most dangerous animals
We should be searching within each of us
For the reasons of our deeds and being
Because we could be so much better

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

In your Holy Place

Kneeling before you
I know I am not whole
I am dark in spirit
And inside this heart
Is a mass of scars
From loss and pain
Tears and cold rain
Falling from view
Broken by the truth
I only seek you
I need to be healed
From everything
Done and undone
To me, by me
I have nothing left
But my words
Saying please
Save me
Let me run free
In the tall grass
And your sun
My sole hope
My maker
My redeemer
My creator
And life beyond
I hear the singing
Of my soul's song

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Camelot's Banner

Called from the warm safe place
With contractions, sounds and blood
Screaming for my survival, gasping for air
Crying, wet from birth, called from prayer
Whatever the origins, whatever the purpose
Nothing but existence, ready for this circus
This world is brutal, in the end doesn't care
This life is not for fun, it isn't a county fare
Existing to earn our way, yearn to endure
But our form is dirt, only the spirit is pure
And I act as I do, for one purpose alone
I use my being to act for the king