Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Simone and Shirley

What is life but to eat, sleep, act, and dream?
My dreams are of beloveds, the lost
Particularly, my mother, ingrained in my heart
Her last living days polluted by a dementia
Of beings to steal from, this theft
Stole my heart, and many more
I lost everything in losing her
I was crushed in my core
I dream of Simone, a beautiful lost soul
She was my beloved purely black cat
Her tender cry called from the ever mist
Never have I been loved by one so much
If dreams are not real, perhaps a portent
My life has seen love, but far more loss
Dreams restore, implore me to continue
For without loved ones to call my name
I would fall into a malaise, and shame
Thank God for each of these dreams
The dreams offer the only true hope
Until I am allowed join them
In fair Elysium
Dreams are a glimpse of joy
So come Elysium come
Reunite me with my loves