Thursday, June 20, 2024

An homage to my Brother Mike

He is my brother, yet not from blood, but by steel
We'll fight back to back, Asgard's gate is besieged
I'd have no other, none being so willing or able
For Thor, Odin, Baldur, and Heimdall give battle
We shall fight well, as chosen by Odin's valkyrie
Calls goes up, walls come done, a disaster area
My brother breaks through the giants
And he fights with fire is in his blood
I get taken down, struck by axe
So many deaths comes in a flood
Yet I know we'll be alive again tomorrow
For in Valhalla, we train to live another day
The Aesir seek us for our ire, we will rise
Raise the raven banner again and again
We were forged as forever allies

To my eldest brother Mike Grell, my finest mentor
Thanks for your friendship and brotherhood