Monday, November 27, 2023

I am Chained to the Floor

To say I am sorry, I was wrong, is an echo that goes on
Forever, going on and on, I never thought we'd be done
The path has been confused, going one way and another
I was blinded by my fear, blinded by my lack of empathy
Blinded by your cold reply, to my apologies and elegies
You called me a child, barely old enough to leave mother
I'd been made older than all of my years, from an abuse
You aren't the one, nor is anyone, I was victim of being
Others saw a world in color, seeing skies or trees, not me
This pain I'm in never leaves, the pain I'm in is unending
Some might believe that I embraced these chains, but no
I can't escape their expectations, never allowed to grow
Forgive me, I can't change, but I've been one to dream
But if able, I'll escape, by closing my eyes, and sleep
That is the one and only domain where I'm able to fly
The only place I can go, where I'm able to thrive
Maybe you can find me there, and we can do
All the things that life never let us do

Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.  Elie Wiesel