Wednesday, November 16, 2022

The Cat & Mouse Game

With each step, I am more and more aware of the folly
Of living for perfection, of trying to be, what I am not
Flesh fails, my mind grows old as I fade, so inevitably
In a world of measurement by failure, I'm then wrought
If I revolve around an axis, where I'll exist and prosper
I live in a world where I am changed, misery is my lot
To endure and live on, my mind and being will await
A cat and mouse world, I'm not a cat, I've been caught
So now I wait for the final blow, if perhaps I escape
I haven't one hope of survival, unless chosen by God
If I'm able to flee, the cat's swift paw, coming for me
Only by circumstance or chance, will I beat the odds
Life is imperfect, every bit as much as me, so dream
Try to imagine something better, than the striking paw

“It is good to be a cynic, it is better to be a contented
cat, and it is best not to exist at all.” H.P. Lovecraft