We pirates sailed in a ship with black sails, crossing red seas
Our raised Jolly Roger and black souls feared by everybody
Masters of many seas, we knew how to hide, or how to find
Treasure Galleons, transports and even Royal Navy frigates
All have became our prey on the oceans and seas, as we hunt
At the distant far horizon are ships fleeing escape our gaze
So we content ourselves with all the riches we've gathered
When dead no one shall mourn us, no one shall proclaim
There our years of shame will rise to inhibit our spirits
Our raised Jolly Roger and black souls feared by everybody
Masters of many seas, we knew how to hide, or how to find
Treasure Galleons, transports and even Royal Navy frigates
All have became our prey on the oceans and seas, as we hunt
At the distant far horizon are ships fleeing escape our gaze
So we content ourselves with all the riches we've gathered
When dead no one shall mourn us, no one shall proclaim
There our years of shame will rise to inhibit our spirits