Wednesday, May 31, 2023

We've earned the ire

If I saw an alien ship land
I'd tell 'em to just go home
We've no intelligent life
And won't have it here
Our dreams are lies told
We are fools, and worse
We live in a dying biome
Killed by our own hands
We devote our resources
To killing our neighbors
And taking their homes
Devoting lives to pleasure
Devote our youth to wars
To take the other's treasure
For no other reason
Than for the bloodsport
We are entertained
By killing, by eating
By lust and violence
We're unkind and unwise
We are unworthy of contact
Unless the aliens come
For a very specific reason
To slaughter or enslave us
To kill us all, to conquer us
For we are a war like people
We'd have earned their ire
In that case, that alone
I'd bid them welcome
For we are ideally suited
For the kind of lives
That must then follow
Welcome, welcome
To our life in shadows