Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Ocean's Secret

There in the cross section of the Coordinates of Latitude 47° 9′ S, Longitude 126° 43′ W lays R'lyeh.  Should modern men visit, they would barely perceive, there are forces alive, that would threaten their sanity, burning the reason and the passion inside, every bit of piety. Lo before all is lost, what little remains of their beliefs, will fall before the evil alien deity.

With masonry carved by madness.  Ornamental yet abstract and bizarre remains.  Here should the world still slumber, an evil presence prepares to wake. Covered there is a secret, beneath the waves, where the ocean keeps silent the screams, and the killer tide. Here is the resting place for the sleeping dead god, who is called Great Cthulhu. 

R'lyeh was an ancient city, a collection of ruins, and walls, an symbolic gates of power.  It is asleep just as is the host.  The ghosts of long dead men and unwilling sacrifices still linger.  Beasts of the ocean stay away, nothing living dare draw near.  The cold depths are still.  The world shakes as the fates contrive. The memories of the artifice are stand still... only moving in fear of the malevolent being, who sleeps so deeply within. 

Nothing lives in this place, R'lyeh is still, itself, alive. Here is the tomb of the undying god. Here is the resting place for the alien one.  Almighty, powerful, untapped, untamed, Cthulhu will some day, though dead, still, awake.  His tentacles reach, quiver with pain, and for every moment he is lost in the misery, humanity as a whole, and earth included will be punished with shame, violence and pain.