Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pendragon's Son

Even though he lived human
His spirit was holy and had been chosen
The blood pulsing through him
Guided his words, and pathway
His father was a king
A butcher of men
Warrior elite
A rapist
His flesh intertwined
With an unwilling, unknowing soul
The treachery left a legacy
A child born in the castle
Protected by tall walls
And knights and valor
But the product of the night
Of the treacherous lust
Desire made this man gone wild
Yet it bore fruit from seed, a child
Who would become the anointed king
He was taken swiftly by the seer
Who had arranged the night
Merlyn was not evil
And he needed to protect the babe
In the time when the land would be barren
Without a king
And young Arthur was trained
He was taught
He was inspired to be something more
Than a foundling
A bastard son
He was prepared to be the only one
Who might bear a sword
Kept from mortals by the Lady of the Lake
Who might build a kingdom
Defending a people
His way prepared
As a savior to come
The king was ready
To announce his presence
And that kingdom would be won
As the bearer of power
A just king and man
He bore the blood
Of the Pendragon's son
Guided by Merlyn
By his holy spirit
And his blood
He would be king
Of which
The Maidens of Avalon
And choirs of children
Would sing