Monday, June 24, 2019

Fan Fiction: Alien 1979, Kane's report

Executive officer, Kane, Nostromo commercial tug
I assembled this crew, not many in number, a good core
Return voyage, commercial mining barge, space ores
Making a stop, slowing from deep space speeds
Something has called us here, there is no planning it
Entering orbit, interrupting our journey home
Sleep interrupted, Mother wakes us slow, so slow
We've been alerted to a beacon on a nearby planet
It might be a distress call, but it isn't clear
Taking our measure, preparing for any mission
What lays before us is intriguing, without definition
If there is life needing rescue, we are required by law
But no one here seems to perceive what is the cause
And the signal defies all recognition
We separate from the host
Leaving our safe haven
To visit possible ghosts
Lost to time and distance of space
Kane signing out, for now

No copyright infringement claimed or implied, this is a work of fan 
fiction, all rights reserved copyright intellectual property owners