Whenever we find miracles or amazing things
I refuse to believe they are the result of chance
While they might come from unseen labors
Or the well placed ardent prayer
Don't expect them to happen
However the choirs might sing
Don't believe in coincidence, circumstance
As fate and destiny embrace and dance
Expect nothing like random favor
Layer your thoughts with God
If anything can happen for you
It is only by the will of the creator
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Saturday, June 29, 2019
Mousetrap, game over
When the rains of fire fall, will the days of torment end
A future has died, the present is a moment of horror
There will be no memory, no legacies or history
Nothing, but the life you lived in perfect reflection
All of your actions, broken promises and oaths
Will be found wanting as your bitter tears choke you
There is nothing but the life you chose
Every decision you've made in life
Remembered and viewed
Upon this line you've been told to never cross
Your choices were made
This is your final stand what will you do
Choose what you want and your selfish ways
Or do you finally decide what is the truth
Are you a mouse in a maze as the scientist watches
Wherever you go, whatever your decision
You'll end up in the final trap, try to understand
The professor does his experiments to better know
How to build the best machine to capture creatures like you
At some point do you give up, do you decide to no longer try
Or will you give in to the voice inside as deep calls unto deep
You know, deep inside that you've heard that voice before
So what will you choose, which is the correct door?
A future has died, the present is a moment of horror
There will be no memory, no legacies or history
Nothing, but the life you lived in perfect reflection
All of your actions, broken promises and oaths
Will be found wanting as your bitter tears choke you
There is nothing but the life you chose
Every decision you've made in life
Remembered and viewed
Upon this line you've been told to never cross
Your choices were made
This is your final stand what will you do
Choose what you want and your selfish ways
Or do you finally decide what is the truth
Are you a mouse in a maze as the scientist watches
Wherever you go, whatever your decision
You'll end up in the final trap, try to understand
The professor does his experiments to better know
How to build the best machine to capture creatures like you
At some point do you give up, do you decide to no longer try
Or will you give in to the voice inside as deep calls unto deep
You know, deep inside that you've heard that voice before
So what will you choose, which is the correct door?
Friday, June 28, 2019
Timur the Lame
Timur the Lame, killer of men, lover of the arts
Earned his limp from battle wounds taken to scar
He created a symbol for the cities he'd taken in battle
All humans within his control were less than chattel
For any one who might think of trying to rebel
He left a reminder to those wanting to reenter Hell
With precision, and order
He had the skulls of the dead arranged in pyramid
This was a clue for future reference
If freedom in the course of rebellion were revisited
Timur the Lame remembered
All the cities, land and people he'd conquered
His will and understanding of men
Led him to create a symbol more powerful than words
"As specimens of those acts mention may be made of his massacre of the people of Sistan 1383–4, when he caused some two thousand prisoners to be built up into a wall; his cold-blooded slaughter of a hundred thousand captive Indians near Dihli [Delhi] (December, 1398); his burying alive of four thousand Armenians in 1400–1, and the twenty towers of skulls erected by him at Aleppo and Damascus in the same year; and his massacre of 70,000 of the inhabitants of Isfahan (November, 1387)."
E.G. Browne. A Literary History of Persia
Earned his limp from battle wounds taken to scar
He created a symbol for the cities he'd taken in battle
All humans within his control were less than chattel
For any one who might think of trying to rebel
He left a reminder to those wanting to reenter Hell
With precision, and order
He had the skulls of the dead arranged in pyramid
This was a clue for future reference
If freedom in the course of rebellion were revisited
Timur the Lame remembered
All the cities, land and people he'd conquered
His will and understanding of men
Led him to create a symbol more powerful than words
"As specimens of those acts mention may be made of his massacre of the people of Sistan 1383–4, when he caused some two thousand prisoners to be built up into a wall; his cold-blooded slaughter of a hundred thousand captive Indians near Dihli [Delhi] (December, 1398); his burying alive of four thousand Armenians in 1400–1, and the twenty towers of skulls erected by him at Aleppo and Damascus in the same year; and his massacre of 70,000 of the inhabitants of Isfahan (November, 1387)."
E.G. Browne. A Literary History of Persia
Thursday, June 27, 2019

I am a slave to all that I love
Refusing to see
How I am losing my soul
Alone in the cold rains
Left out for not giving enough
Even if I believe
I need to escape their control
This is a world that requires my flesh
But hates who I am
And I haven't anything left
That they might use
Drawing breath after empty breath
Becoming the living, but damned
They placed my being upon a shelf
To schedule my upcoming abuse
“The human race tends to remember the abuses to which it has been subjected rather than the endearments. What's left of kisses? Wounds, however, leave scars.” Bertolt Brecht
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
I knew I'd meet you
Sitting in my room, staring at the stars
Nothing could save me, covered in scars
My life was meaningless, broken heart
Whoever told me, said I'd find my dream
But I knew even then, someday I'd meet you
I had room in my soul, for someone so true
And whatever I'd face, you were brand new
I'd find you, even if only when I might sleep
I need to be saved, question is not how but when
I am ready to know, tired of the distant horizon
Waiting is endless, without you life is truly bent
Nothing could save me, covered in scars
My life was meaningless, broken heart
Whoever told me, said I'd find my dream
But I knew even then, someday I'd meet you
I had room in my soul, for someone so true
And whatever I'd face, you were brand new
I'd find you, even if only when I might sleep
I need to be saved, question is not how but when
I am ready to know, tired of the distant horizon
Waiting is endless, without you life is truly bent
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
You might never understand the why
But if you are wise
You won't care to even know
The world is filled with questions
Do you have a confession
Better to get out now, just go
Tied into knots, without string
You'll never hear the fates sing
Listen as the complaints flow
You have the right to the choices
Unless you are hearing voices
If they can only be heard on the inside
It might be best to run
For real or only in your mind
But if you are wise
You won't care to even know
The world is filled with questions
Do you have a confession
Better to get out now, just go
Tied into knots, without string
You'll never hear the fates sing
Listen as the complaints flow
You have the right to the choices
Unless you are hearing voices
If they can only be heard on the inside
It might be best to run
For real or only in your mind
Monday, June 24, 2019
Fan Fiction: Alien 1979, Kane's report
Executive officer, Kane, Nostromo commercial tug
I assembled this crew, not many in number, a good core
Return voyage, commercial mining barge, space ores
Making a stop, slowing from deep space speeds
Something has called us here, there is no planning it
Entering orbit, interrupting our journey home
Sleep interrupted, Mother wakes us slow, so slow
We've been alerted to a beacon on a nearby planet
It might be a distress call, but it isn't clear
Taking our measure, preparing for any mission
What lays before us is intriguing, without definition
If there is life needing rescue, we are required by law
But no one here seems to perceive what is the cause
And the signal defies all recognition
We separate from the host
Leaving our safe haven
To visit possible ghosts
Lost to time and distance of space
Kane signing out, for now
I assembled this crew, not many in number, a good core
Return voyage, commercial mining barge, space ores
Making a stop, slowing from deep space speeds
Something has called us here, there is no planning it
Entering orbit, interrupting our journey home
Sleep interrupted, Mother wakes us slow, so slow
We've been alerted to a beacon on a nearby planet
It might be a distress call, but it isn't clear
Taking our measure, preparing for any mission
What lays before us is intriguing, without definition
If there is life needing rescue, we are required by law
But no one here seems to perceive what is the cause
And the signal defies all recognition
We separate from the host
Leaving our safe haven
To visit possible ghosts
Lost to time and distance of space
Kane signing out, for now
No copyright infringement claimed or implied, this is a work of fan
fiction, all rights reserved copyright intellectual property owners
Sunday, June 23, 2019
To my perfect love
Your lips portray to me perpetual ecstasy
Your heart redeems me with serenity
With you I know that I am saved
Our time together wove a story, a tapestry
With golden threads, platinum silk
An exquisite dream, a perfect melody
You are my special love, my bride
When I am with you, I can barely think
Your soul invites me to more than taste
But to drink
"Love can defeat that nameless terror. Loving one another, we take the sting from death. Loving our mysterious blue planet, we resolve riddles and dissolve all enigmas in contingent bliss."
Edward Abbey
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Upon the Day
Sorrow beckons
What is left
When the dawn rises
After a red horizon
Births black riders
Charging forward
When the maelstrom is done
None will have a future
No building will stand
The earth broken, and bent
And humanity bleeds sorrow
When death is done riding
The other horsemen rest
Waiting to be called upon again
Catastrophe planted
Long ago
The crops of horror cultivated
For millennia
The yield is bitter
As the harvesters take home
The fruit of bitter seed
Friday, June 21, 2019
Of Dragons and Dragonslayers part 4
The youth of this kingdom
Were given luxury and treasure
We believed our guidance and love
Would lead them to victory
But instead of achieving that
We let them pay for our indiscretions
They fought our wars, bore our scars
We sent them into battle without reason
The Dragons still command the skies
The enemy armies still hold the wall
The bodies of our beloved blood kin
Lay swollen and black in the mass graves
Our will to defeat the foe
Did not produce victory
Just as our choice to use violence didn't work
The violence in the hands of others
Will certainly produce victory
No matter how fiercely
We who do not fight
Are opposed
"Advance our standards, set upon our foes Our ancient world of courage
fair St. George Inspire us with the spleen of fiery dragons." William
Of Dragons and Dragonslayers part 3
You see the corpse of the dragon
Defeated in bloody combat
You see the knight
You see his body, no longer moving
No longer breathing or alive
Friends and neighbors
Kings men, ladies, peasants and craftsmen
You say you are unable to imagine
Why would the knight act
He risked his flesh, his future, his well being
He accepted a task, others would have fled
Think if you will what could motivate a knight
To give battle, to give his very existence
Think If the dragon isn't fought
Think if it is allowed to dominate
And rule by tyranny over the all of the land
Think if you will
Who will stand and say that they will not run
Even should they bleed
Perhaps it happens that they will be broken in the end
This magnificent knight
The one who fights, magnificent sword in hand
You already know
It is due to his being the only one who will
And perhaps, he is the only one who can
"Fairy tales do not give a child his first idea of bogey. What fairy tales give the child is his first clear idea of the possible defeat of bogey. The baby has known the dragon intimately ever since he had an imagination. What the fairy tale provides for him is a St. George to kill the dragon." G. K. Chesterton
Of Dragons and Dragonslayers part 2
A knight must be willing, wise, yet still tenacious
Cloaked in bravery, wrapped in armor, courageous
To face a dragon is to face a foe most dangerous
The knight must seek to find the greater advantage
While avoiding such a battle is perhaps wise,
If the warrior is true, with this battle he'll be baptised
With tears or sweat, or blood, he might even die
The oath to bear his sword leads a knight to fight
The epic battle whenever entered will be fatal
For the knight or dragon, even both, the makings of a fable
Whatever the result, one or both will be no longer able
But oh the stories others will tell, seated about the table
"The pure light of chivalry... distinguishes the noble from the base, the gentle knight from the churl and the savage;... rates our life far, far beneath the pitch of our honour, raises us victorious over pain, toil, and suffering, and teaches us to fear no evil but disgrace.” Walter Scott
Of Dragons and Dragonslayers part 1
We are told, often
How the big bad knight
Shouldn't hurt that innocent beast
But that is a modern point of view
There are situations that can't be resolved by talking
And if there must be a fight
Advantage is upon the side of mighty, not the least
The final victory of the knight is proof
That good can overcome evil
Some may disagree that the knight is good
But that twists the original tales
To fit the modern narrative
And that is opportunistic
And false
“I do not care what comes after; I have seen the dragons on the wind of morning.” Ursula K. LeGuin
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Lukewarm water
She said
"I felt like you'd spat me out of your mouth,
lukewarm water doesn't satisfy.
Neither cold nor is it hot"
She cried, her voice trembling
"For you love is a game of cat and mouse
Pulling petals off a flower, you love me
And you love me not
But I love you
I want you
But I guess I want what I haven't got"
Tears streaming, voice becoming stronger
"How you treated me is how I was taught
What you wanted, or didn't want
So I'll leave
Your loss will haunt me but at least I'll have time
Time to ponder, time to dream, time to count
To count the children we'll never have
And wonder about this nightmare of love that you've wrought"
"I felt like you'd spat me out of your mouth,
lukewarm water doesn't satisfy.
Neither cold nor is it hot"
She cried, her voice trembling
"For you love is a game of cat and mouse
Pulling petals off a flower, you love me
And you love me not
But I love you
I want you
But I guess I want what I haven't got"
Tears streaming, voice becoming stronger
"How you treated me is how I was taught
What you wanted, or didn't want
So I'll leave
Your loss will haunt me but at least I'll have time
Time to ponder, time to dream, time to count
To count the children we'll never have
And wonder about this nightmare of love that you've wrought"
final day, final moment together
You can't even whisper you love me
Because it is so quieted in you
You just can't believe
My tears aren't for love's loss
But for my being a fool
And the hidden cost
My heart skipped too many beats
Because I thought you were true
But now I'm free
And there is nothing left to say
But farewell and take good care
This is our final day
Our final moment together
Life has never been fair
I was stupid to believe in forever
Because it is so quieted in you
You just can't believe
My tears aren't for love's loss
But for my being a fool
And the hidden cost
My heart skipped too many beats
Because I thought you were true
But now I'm free
And there is nothing left to say
But farewell and take good care
This is our final day
Our final moment together
Life has never been fair
I was stupid to believe in forever
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
The Power of the Storm
Winds blow, with enormous strength, the storm nears
Thunder arrives, the blackest cloud appears
This storm is dramatic, hope's nowhere near
Darkness pulses, as earth and wind collide
Storm's power shakes the earth, who can survive
Here in the depths, this abyss I'm alive
My throat cracks, air is so dry, feel like death
My lungs are full, I can't pull in a breath
If I fall, the earth will consume my flesh
“Pulvis et umbra sumus."
Thunder arrives, the blackest cloud appears
This storm is dramatic, hope's nowhere near
Darkness pulses, as earth and wind collide
Storm's power shakes the earth, who can survive
Here in the depths, this abyss I'm alive
My throat cracks, air is so dry, feel like death
My lungs are full, I can't pull in a breath
If I fall, the earth will consume my flesh
“Pulvis et umbra sumus."
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Bleeding anew
Thus I bleed anew
Knowing again
All I've known before
My hope was always subdued
My experiences remain
In my love with you
There was proof
That you were not real
Your heart was untrue
And now I am walking
In the miserable freezing rain
As ever
With hopes
That no longer live
And fears that cannot be tamed
Knowing again
All I've known before
My hope was always subdued
My experiences remain
In my love with you
There was proof
That you were not real
Your heart was untrue
And now I am walking
In the miserable freezing rain
As ever
With hopes
That no longer live
And fears that cannot be tamed
Monday, June 17, 2019
A timeline begins in the same place for everyone, Birth
We begin existence from a variety of circumstances
Conceived in love, or rage, or casual sex
We don't get to choose our origin story
Love isn't necessary, but sex is required
Sexual pleasure is often treated as a holy sacrament
Humans now couple and uncouple as if in a dance
It doesn't require expertise, the flesh needs no instructional text
Often the time of conception is poorly remembered history
Many cannot control their will, a victim of sexual desire
Whatever your origin, remember, there are no accidents
“Young men's love then lies not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes.”
― William Shakespeare
― William Shakespeare
Sunday, June 16, 2019
I'm not wise, really

I just think that you are mistaken
You say your love has entered terminus
That Ennui destroyed feelings for each other
You barely care to speak
And if you do
In generic terms and for a purpose
You say this love is forsaken
But it is worth keeping
Remember the time when your love was alive
You did more than have sex
You kept secrets between you
Ones that only the two of you knew
You cared what each other thought
Every day and event there to be inspected
To learn about the world together
Because it was important to know
And to grow
Every idea was dissected
Not because it needed to be
Because you wanted to grow in the same direction
It meant something
Remember when instead of rain being a hindrance
You grabbed each other in a door way
Waiting for the storm to pass
In each others arms
Loud laughs
It is raining somewhere
Every single day
Kisses still happen if you choose
Laughing together can exist too
It is up to you
I am not someone wise
I am someone who has been there
And know there is more to discover
If only you'll take the time
Saturday, June 15, 2019
The Storm
The clouds hang low, the storm will soon blow
The winds are cold, we've barely left home
Arctic waters are gray, nearly frozen solid
Priests give prayer, but most here are solemn
So far this Spring hasn't thawed the floes
If any of us fall, we die, everyone knows
Odin's ways keep us at war, we are his spawn
If this ship sinks, all of our corpses float at dawn
In the waves are a rhythmic motion
Tides are alive on their own
With freemen and thralls pulling oars
We need the winds to move us more
For to land upon Saxon shores
We are driven
This will be a great day, it is written
The Dane Law will welcome our arms
“It is better to live on the sea and let other men raise your crops and
cook your meals.
A house smells of smoke, a ship smells of frolic. From a
house you see a sooty roof,
from a ship you see Valhalla.”
Harald Halfdanson
Friday, June 14, 2019
Thursday, June 13, 2019
All I need is you
I found you in the middle of this place
How'd I ever become so rich
Yours, the only soul I could embrace
And I found you here
Where I go
What I do
Doesn't matter
This life is not already wrought
There is more than this world
All that matters exploring it with one
All that matters is with who
I used to think that all I'd ever do
Would end up in wrath
I used to believe I'd never find a home
But home is not to be bound by path
How'd I ever become so rich
Yours, the only soul I could embrace
And I found you here
Where I go
What I do
Doesn't matter
This life is not already wrought
There is more than this world
All that matters exploring it with one
All that matters is with who
I used to think that all I'd ever do
Would end up in wrath
I used to believe I'd never find a home
But home is not to be bound by path
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Until we can fight back
It seems like yesterday it happened,
But it was years ago
While we all remember the change
None of us can remember individual days
Each passes with the same set of principles
Find food to keep us alive,
Repair damage to the bunker
Keep watch as a sentry, take turns as a guard
Use this day, as every day, prepare for the next
When the skies were crowded with invaders
No one knew what was going on
The military of the world's nations
Offered a defense, until they were destroyed
Then the Quislings among us stood up to take power
And they, too, were destroyed
Only those who refused to surrender were left
But the same forces who invaded our world
Could not understand the concept
That there might be those still living
Who were prepared to die
We were hunted like prey
Day after day
Until we were able to fight back
But it was years ago
While we all remember the change
None of us can remember individual days
Each passes with the same set of principles
Find food to keep us alive,
Repair damage to the bunker
Keep watch as a sentry, take turns as a guard
Use this day, as every day, prepare for the next
When the skies were crowded with invaders
No one knew what was going on
The military of the world's nations
Offered a defense, until they were destroyed
Then the Quislings among us stood up to take power
And they, too, were destroyed
Only those who refused to surrender were left
But the same forces who invaded our world
Could not understand the concept
That there might be those still living
Who were prepared to die
We were hunted like prey
Day after day
Until we were able to fight back
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
To Love No More
Accusations of things I'd never do
Damnation from the fears I've never known
There is the very scent of another
Untying the knot, I thought
Would keep us together for forever
I am broken, you are the chosen
I am enslaved and chained, and you are free
I will be alone, you'll never be lonely
Damnation from the fears I've never known
There is the very scent of another
Untying the knot, I thought
Would keep us together for forever
I am broken, you are the chosen
I am enslaved and chained, and you are free
I will be alone, you'll never be lonely
Monday, June 10, 2019
It seemed that I was stuck
Trapped so deep in the dark web
And as if I were a spider, I'd weave
So much deeper and deeper I'd go
Some find joy in their darkest discoveries
But I don't believe in hope or luck
Because I don't move step by step
If it is a cause in which I believe
I trust if I truly know
Ignoring dangerous memories
And I know
You'll not be hung upon who you trust
You will be hung for your betrayal
You die for that which you do
Not what you haven't done
But I no longer care, I only think
This world burns in eternal lust
Even if it seems disgraceful
We choose the easy, not the true
And the unraveling has begun
As unreality collides with the uplink
Trapped so deep in the dark web
And as if I were a spider, I'd weave
So much deeper and deeper I'd go
Some find joy in their darkest discoveries
But I don't believe in hope or luck
Because I don't move step by step
If it is a cause in which I believe
I trust if I truly know
Ignoring dangerous memories
And I know
You'll not be hung upon who you trust
You will be hung for your betrayal
You die for that which you do
Not what you haven't done
But I no longer care, I only think
This world burns in eternal lust
Even if it seems disgraceful
We choose the easy, not the true
And the unraveling has begun
As unreality collides with the uplink
Sunday, June 9, 2019
We are not wise enough, oh Prometheus

Giving it to all of humanity, an amazing gift
It is a gift that we cannot appreciate
Because we are not prepared
And cannot ever, properly, make its use
We are unwise, we are inane, we are even fools
Use of this power will leave an enormous rift
We are not bright enough, or kind enough, to choose
We should not be allowed such tools
We are the children of war, the parents of hatred
We kill friends, destroy land, hate all that is sacred
We are not able to make use of fire that never stops burning
To do so would require patience and far more learning
Please take back your gift, you've suffered for our sins
Please turn back the clock, never do it
You'll be better for it
We will use it for war
And as an afterthought
We will use it for peaceful energy
Due to our irrational beliefs
Due to ascendancy of the military
It makes no difference
We will make mistakes that can't be fixed
As a result
People die
The land we live upon will be doomed
We remember
Three Mile Island
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Unfair offerings
I saw so many children screaming
Angry at life's unfair offerings
They experienced nightmares
Not dreaming
Nothing relieved their suffering
Nothing offered hope
All that existed burned in the irony
Of being given a life
Without the hope of living it
Friday, June 7, 2019
The Dirty Dance
I never been able to, and still can't, dance
Somehow, despite my protests
I keep being asked
How can I quiver and shiver if it doesn't happen
Not even by chance
What if my moving to the motion
That this music invites
Is the dance that opens the doors
To the end of the universe party
And I am personae non gratae
The bouncers are Hitler and Mao
While there, upon the dance floor
Satan and Leona Helmsley move
To their own dark beat
Next to them, in their own scene
Joan Crawford and Idi Amin
Showing the world and underworld alike
They know how, and they do the last waltz
Hands together
Feet moving swiftly and synchronized
As if they've been melded together forever
So serene
They glide, they move
I can't dance
Even if forced, even by circumstance
I am unable to force it to happen
Perhaps I need to close my eyes
As if my willful ignorance
Has ever been a good disguise
No I cannot dance
What a hateful task
And I demand it be made illegal
The events, characters and firms depicted in the poetry/poem are entirely ficticious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual firms, is purely coincidental or meant in a satirical manner.
Somehow, despite my protests
I keep being asked
How can I quiver and shiver if it doesn't happen
Not even by chance
What if my moving to the motion
That this music invites
Is the dance that opens the doors
To the end of the universe party
And I am personae non gratae
The bouncers are Hitler and Mao
While there, upon the dance floor
Satan and Leona Helmsley move
To their own dark beat
Next to them, in their own scene
Joan Crawford and Idi Amin
Showing the world and underworld alike
They know how, and they do the last waltz
Hands together
Feet moving swiftly and synchronized
As if they've been melded together forever
So serene
They glide, they move
I can't dance
Even if forced, even by circumstance
I am unable to force it to happen
Perhaps I need to close my eyes
As if my willful ignorance
Has ever been a good disguise
No I cannot dance
What a hateful task
And I demand it be made illegal
The events, characters and firms depicted in the poetry/poem are entirely ficticious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual firms, is purely coincidental or meant in a satirical manner.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
If there was justice
When would it come
For the lost, and dead
Too late
But for the wicked
They felt far too soon
It stood
Once a proud nation
Made evil by complicity
With leaders who shamed it
They desired supreme domination
So much evil beneath the costume
Of national resolve
To overcome the depression
Of a people defeated in war
Outraged by the wages of an unjust surrender
A people devoid of human hope
Suffered ultimate alienation
Upon its feet and rising
It chose to doom
Those it disliked
From within its borders
For those people
Reasons varied
Such as
For their ethnicity or race
Physical impairment
Religion or orientation
Or difference of political view
And they will be remembered
For the devastation
For the damnation
Of humans it called
Unworthy of life
With violations of law
With hatred and violence
It made war against most of the modern nations of earth
And by their hand darkness began to cover Europe
There were still Free people who recognized the danger
Of evil incarnate, the great curse
Even the conquered, even the defiant resistance
Within the borders of the conquered lands
And the rare few inside the evil Reich
Resolute survivors
Rising from the ashes of the defeated
There was an island where the forces gathered
Of the nations of the Lion, Maple Leaf and the Eagle
Stood men unwilling to let evil ascend
They believed that they now
Had a responsibility to the world
For free men always face the question
What did you do when the world burned
For the world they learned
Their date of destiny
Victory or defeat
Fresh faces laying dead
Covered in the red
Of their own fragile flesh
They were a sacred gift
To fighting the power
Of a nation led by evil men
June 6, 1944, was the ascendant hour
When free men, and the resistance
Could at last begin the uninterrupted march
To the road of freedom
When would it come
For the lost, and dead
Too late
But for the wicked
They felt far too soon
It stood
Once a proud nation
Made evil by complicity
With leaders who shamed it
They desired supreme domination
So much evil beneath the costume
Of national resolve
To overcome the depression
Of a people defeated in war
Outraged by the wages of an unjust surrender
A people devoid of human hope
Suffered ultimate alienation
Upon its feet and rising
It chose to doom
Those it disliked
From within its borders
For those people
Reasons varied
Such as
For their ethnicity or race
Physical impairment
Religion or orientation
Or difference of political view
And they will be remembered
For the devastation
For the damnation
Of humans it called
Unworthy of life
With violations of law
With hatred and violence
It made war against most of the modern nations of earth
And by their hand darkness began to cover Europe
There were still Free people who recognized the danger
Of evil incarnate, the great curse
Even the conquered, even the defiant resistance
Within the borders of the conquered lands
And the rare few inside the evil Reich
Resolute survivors
Rising from the ashes of the defeated
There was an island where the forces gathered
Of the nations of the Lion, Maple Leaf and the Eagle
Stood men unwilling to let evil ascend
They believed that they now
Had a responsibility to the world
For free men always face the question
What did you do when the world burned
For the world they learned
Their date of destiny
Victory or defeat
Fresh faces laying dead
Covered in the red
Of their own fragile flesh
They were a sacred gift
To fighting the power
Of a nation led by evil men
June 6, 1944, was the ascendant hour
When free men, and the resistance
Could at last begin the uninterrupted march
To the road of freedom
Wednesday, June 5, 2019
To the one
To forgive you, I'd have to give up
All the hurts you gave me
When we were still in love
To forgive you, I'd have to become
Wiser than I've ever been
Live like God's only son
I do still love you
So I have to be better
I have to be true
Instead of a beggar
So I forgive
If you give me a moment back
Please forgive me too
It is the life graces I lack
Holding my grievances in
Was far more damaging
And they left far greater scars
Than anything you ever did
To hurt my tender heart
All the hurts you gave me
When we were still in love
To forgive you, I'd have to become
Wiser than I've ever been
Live like God's only son
I do still love you
So I have to be better
I have to be true
Instead of a beggar
So I forgive
If you give me a moment back
Please forgive me too
It is the life graces I lack
Holding my grievances in
Was far more damaging
And they left far greater scars
Than anything you ever did
To hurt my tender heart
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Led by Betrayal
Like the Pied Piper leading the children astray
You led people into damnation's embrace
By ignoring warnings and information
Your followers were foolish to chase the rabbit of the dog track race
But you, you should have known so much better
With the knowledge gathered
The wisdom collected
And warnings by those who know
Versus faithless words by those who know nothing
It might be that we do not fully understand various factors
But you need not eat the whole egg to know it is rotten
You led people into damnation's embrace
By ignoring warnings and information
Your followers were foolish to chase the rabbit of the dog track race
But you, you should have known so much better
With the knowledge gathered
The wisdom collected
And warnings by those who know
Versus faithless words by those who know nothing
It might be that we do not fully understand various factors
But you need not eat the whole egg to know it is rotten
Monday, June 3, 2019
That Sweet Silence

You were giving me some distance
So that I wouldn't be hurt
You said that what you were doing
Was all for my own well being
The distance, in addition to your silence
Were not for kindness
You were hurting me on purpose
Every wound that now bleeds
Is from the "kindness" that you attempt
You can't understand
You cannot pretend
To be kind
You either are, or you are not
These bleeding wounds you've inflicted
Speak volumes without words
You hold me in contempt
All in the name of nice
I know what lays beneath
And I know what you believe
You cannot regret
What you do not feel
The level of your madness
Enters the realm
Of surreal
Sunday, June 2, 2019
We Surrendered

What did anyone think would happen
Giving the keys to the machine
To the morons who desire
To control and destroy
All of our holy souls
Abrogate our decision making
Retreat from being sovereign beings
Retreat from responsibility
Tell me why it happens
That we choose to fail
Need to remember
Cover me in blankets of sorrow
Let me take this time to grieve
We've surrendered
None should question why we did this deed
Saturday, June 1, 2019
Ants, just ants
We like to think we are the archetypical
Hero or villain, the main character of course
But what do we do, when we learn, we are nothing
We look at everything we ourselves do, so so critical
We think everyone notices, judging without remorse
Head wounds and hearts bleeding, blood gushing
But we are nothing special
We are simply alive
Members of the hive
Nothing special, not leaders, not even workers
Certainly not the queen, just drones
We are nothing but ants milling about one of a trillion hills
With lives that are boring and utterly unfulfilled
We want to believe that we matter
But our chances were shattered
Long ago
Only in the daily moments
Can we hope to do any single thing
Hero or villain, the main character of course
But what do we do, when we learn, we are nothing
We look at everything we ourselves do, so so critical
We think everyone notices, judging without remorse
Head wounds and hearts bleeding, blood gushing
But we are nothing special
We are simply alive
Members of the hive
Nothing special, not leaders, not even workers
Certainly not the queen, just drones
We are nothing but ants milling about one of a trillion hills
With lives that are boring and utterly unfulfilled
We want to believe that we matter
But our chances were shattered
Long ago
Only in the daily moments
Can we hope to do any single thing
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