Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Day of the Devil's Horsemen

Among our own people we were the first
Highest in prestige and knowledge
Accomplishments and fame
But we were to become the last
Our destiny was to be decided
By their control of fate
They were called by many names
It didn't matter
These were the Mongols
This was their horde
We were their next victims 
Oh, we knew the shame
We knew their plans
For they made no secret of their goal
We knew their way of war
And what they were going to do
But however well prepared we became
In short hours since their arrival
Our number waned
We were falling, and failing
Our people were to become slaves
Fields filled with our dead flesh
We were aware that they'd come
They'd been foretold
Their past victories and legacies known
They arrived it upon the heels of victory
The burning black upon the horizon
It was now our turn to enter oblivion
They'd slaughtered every city
Every town and fortress upon their path
The day of the Devil's Horsemen was upon us
And we could only pray for evening
A certain kind of waking nightmare begun
They hunted us, on horseback
Their way of war was wrath
They made use of speed, and attack from distance
They kept moving, and in fluid acts, circled us
Firing arrows on the fly
They pierced our finest armor with ease
Fear's sister panic arrived with the attack
Time after time they circled, and tightened this noose
Riding and then firing bolts of death from their bows
We were barely able to breathe
For the fear of the inevitable result was deep
Soon the madness of fear and lack of resolve
Let our rational minds loose
That I survived is an anamoly,  but one of a dozen
Whereas the men lost numbered in the high thousands
The eaters of the dead began howling
And we fled on foot
As the looting commenced
The Devil's Horsemen were not cruel
They were deadly efficient
And their day was long