Of a long line of kings
Bright and talented
Strong and fair
But mourned his fate
For he had no lover
No ardor towards others
A kingdom must have an heir
A crown prince or princess
To carrying the signet ring
And throne
While despondent
He took on his armor
For he would practice
Perhaps joust
Train with his bodyguards
For his body was a honed weapon
From constant training
To avoid thinking
About a kingdom
Without a prince
Or princess
But the women he was offered
Were perfect, beautiful, bright
Educated, thoughtful, and kind
Not one moved his heart
So while he armored
For training
He looked off
Through his window
And saw
A beggar girl
And was struck
And tears poured down
For he knew his destiny
Was sealed
He'd be with her
Or not exist
He'd find her
And be
Rather than be dead
Her husband
She'd be his queen
And they'd find love
And create an heir
So he approached
The beggars swarmed
He embraced them
While others were repulsed instead
He poured out his coins for them to have
The beggar girl walked to the gathering
Of the poor
The king offered his hand
Asked her name
Penelophon she said
Asked her to come into his court room
Outside of the throne room
He offered her a new life
As his wife
And she said yes
(Adapted from the legend The King and the Beggar-maid)