Wednesday, December 11, 2024

At Road's End

I spent my years, there is nothing left
The world called for more, to silence
Before me was a world of infinite hope
After me, the world will spin and turn
My beginning was hard, I was bereft
I never was what he wanted, but quiet
The years of hope were short, darkness
But in the darkness we must be ready
To live at all or see what's really there
I'm no more sad to die, than live anew
A true world is found in a narrow path
To live is to love, to exclude from life
A cancerous wrath, the arrogant being
I want to know what I tasted, and hope
So that when I am gone, I don't linger
In hope that I didn't miss out, in envy
For I ignored much, I avoided more
As now I am broken, nothing's offered
So I will sleep in eternity, until I wake
Asked why should I stay I'll simply say
I fail, but know well the truth I believe
That's all I know, that, and I'm tired