Told to consider the year I'd had
And ask if it was a good one or not
A mix of cancer and broken bones
In loss, depression, and sleepless
But then someone gave me advice
They taught me hope, which leads
To my believing in more than this
I was able to trust, able to dream
I have realized, flesh is temporary
These trials made me know GOD
Discover my future in my past
Believe in hope, believe in truth
Able to believing in the future
Rather than remind myself
Of my failed past
And ask if it was a good one or not
A mix of cancer and broken bones
In loss, depression, and sleepless
But then someone gave me advice
They taught me hope, which leads
To my believing in more than this
I was able to trust, able to dream
I have realized, flesh is temporary
These trials made me know GOD
Discover my future in my past
Believe in hope, believe in truth
Able to believing in the future
Rather than remind myself
Of my failed past