Friday, May 31, 2024

As Corruption Seeks my Flesh

Worried by the share of treasure
Bored by the lack of pleasure
All flesh needs to be pleased
Humans cannot see the final goal
Morality enters endless malaise
Some believe that we've a soul
And are trapped in eternity's gaze
We have entered an eternal chase
Where our living flesh turns to dust
Hoping some day to be able to trust
In a place where dreams remain alive
I offer my life, determined to endure
We must possess a will to survive
Because the life of flesh is waning
There I long to taste of forever
Refreshed by Elysium's waters
Where none will age nor feels pain
I'll linger in the sun on that altar
My labors of today are offered up
For a world without tomorrow
A world of hope, without sorrow
I long to be where there is this prize
Where the cost is without count
For Elysium is our true reward
It is payment for all our pain
It is payment for our labors
And we will linger in forever
Having chosen to well serve
The true eternal, the creator