Sunday, October 29, 2023

Midnight Screams Waking

Midnight screams waking
The ink black night walls
Red eyes scurry for cover
Worse fears are unfading
My love is gone, she calls
The angry words smother
A new direction is taken
The thunder storm stalls
They cry for their mother
As she becomes forsaken
Her domain is fully scarred
The planet is burning still
Crashing lightning strikes
Leading to a world's fears
Of unrestrained violence
And the folly of all wars
But the next generation
Full of hubris and power
Youthful energy and bold
Will see violence as a tool
Wielded with wisdom
It is a sword, a weapon
And now is the hour
But to us, the old, broken
Power is held by fools
Who see the damage
Only when it happens
To them