Sunday, September 17, 2017

Course of the River, ever flowing

Her name as an empire
Would strike fear in others
The rise followed, but industry

Born of violence and ire
A warrior state rose up
Becoming the master of her neighbors

But while the empire became wealthy
Ignored the warnings
Her strengths would turn to weakness

From a distance it looked healthy
A powerful empire always does
Until the fall

But now the empire is aflame
The excellence followed a course
As a river that cuts through rock

Soon it replaced free laborers
With the efforts of prisoners and slaves
With its war earned provinces afire

It answers rebellion with utter force
Long dead are the builders of the state
Long dead they rot in the grave

To placate the masses from the malaise
The empire offers bread and circuses
To kill the pain

Ignoring the approaching collapse
They lose sight of their original way
And the dust rises

And the bleeding only ends
After the conquest of the people
When the fires leave ash

While Rome has entered descent
The cycle is on endless repeat
For  the conquering tribes